Office Chair Make-Over, part 2

Due to the popularity of this project I have uploaded pictures of how I recovered my chair (with hopefully helpful notes) to Flickr here. There is also a link to a group where you can upload pictures of your own finished project! This was really not hard, I used less than a yard of home dec fabric and it didn’t take very long either. Instant gratification, I hope you’ll try it too. I am really enjoying this personal touch to my sewing space!

recovering back rest of office chair


1 comment

  1. livnletlrn’s avatar

    I did the exact same thing to re-cover our dining room chairs. It was a fiddly process and it took two of us because my wrist was conking out from all the staple gun use x 6 chairs, but a lot of bang for the buck and a great end result. I hadn’t thought about doing it on and office chair but you can bet your bippy I will now! As a matter of fact, there’s a particularly ratty-looking chair to my left at this very moment!

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