Rich and I built this shelter for the snowblower and the lawnmower, it’s big enough to hold bicycles, chairs and a few other odds and ends. It took us 3 hours and about $75 worth of lumber. It went together quite smoothly and we were pretty pleased with out efforts. We were especially pleased with the top which slants away from the house. This may not be obvious in the picture. It did involve some math and the two of us arrived at slightly different angles, so I split the difference when I set the miter saw; turned out perfect. Below is the original sketch. I know it looks horrible but we knew what it meant and it worked. We are still figuring out how we might want to enclose the sides and perhaps add a drop down tarp to the front. And we plan to paint it the same color as the house. After it stops raining!
Tags: wood
It looks good. Only additional design detail I might suggest is diagonal bracing. But if you close in the sides – the side panels will offer the same function, I think.
Nice to have a spot to have the bikes out of the weather. It looks very similar to a shed we had growing up because even in So. Cal it rains.
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