Mug Cozy/Coaster

I’ve seen many of these mug cozies lately on the internet, usually just a knitted or crocheted tube that goes around your mug or travel cup, sometimes with a closure of some kind to fit into the closed handle of a mug. I’m not sure if it’s inspiration or just repeated exposure, but I finally decided I needed to try this out for myself. Not too out of the blue as we are a family that drinks hot drinks a lot: tea, coffee and hot chocolate. My kids sometimes complain that the mug is too hot to hold.

random-charm's mug cozy/coaster

So I chose to make my mug cozy with a flat bottom so the part that you hold is all enclosed and bonus! you can set it down on any surface without the need for a separate coaster. This is a great use of leftover yarn from other projects. There were a couple of tricky spots to figure out. I thought that making the flat bottom would be the hardest but that wasn’t bad actually. I’m still working on shaping/sizing the hole for the bottom of the mug handle. I’m also going to make the button hole as I knit next time instead of doing it as an afterthought as I did with these first two. The first one was a bit too big and the second was a bit too small. Aggressive blocking made it work though. I think they look warm and inviting on these plain white mugs that I happened to have stashed in the basement. Oh the joy of being a packrat!

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  1. Ellen’s avatar

    I’ve admired these too and now I can admire yours because I’m much too busy to use my rusty knitting skills to figure it out. Perhaps a crocheted one would be within reach.

  2. Bethany’s avatar

    This is very cute! I think I’ll add this to my to-do list for knitting. Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. Cindy’s avatar

    Actually these are really fast, just figuring out who gets the last two mugs and what yarn I’ll use on them. Of course, what I really should be doing is sewing!

  4. Snippety Gibbet’s avatar

    How very cool !

    Don’t you hate how you figure out how to do all the cool stuff when you have only a few days left til Christmas? No time to make mass quantities of them for presents.

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