Remember that dead tree?


Here’s the mailman cutting it down. The mailman? Yes, we live in a friendly town. He noticed when part of the tree came down and offered to take the rest of it down safely in exchange for the wood to heat his home. Waste not, want not. Sounded like a great deal to me!

And look what survived the fall. The fungus that had survived the original break landed safely in the snow. Freeze-dried, ha! Maple seed for scale. Apparently you can clear coat dried mushrooms to preserve them. Not sure I’ll take that project on. They may just end up in the compost.

frozen mushrooms from dead tree

I did save what was left of a little birch that had to come out. Young birch branches are smooth, easy to cut and have such a pretty pattern to them. Not sure what I’ll do with it just yet.

young birch branches



  1. Cindy’s avatar

    Good idea Deb! I’ve made purse handles with birch twigs before, beautiful. I was thinking of making some toggles for a journal cover too.

    Jan, when we had a large mudroom with a cathedral ceiling I kept two large dead white birches in there! Everybody thought they were cool.

  2. Snippety Gibbet’s avatar

    Oooooh, I love that button idea!

    Wouldn’t it be great to have the space to keep all the treasures we find?


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